part one and done!!!

Bleep bloop, I'm back and I've brought some major updates to "nótt"!!

first off-- i will be needing to make a SECOND part of this game in flickgame or something because I have officially reached the 16 screen limit!

I made ONE ending to the game, but it's nowhere near finished! i mean, it is but it isn't, haha

second off-- HECK YES!! I actually finished one of these! I am so happy I might start posting random numbers 489p25y3427243

ok I am done with that! but seriously, though. rEAlly happy to have actually  finished a game, even if it's a simple one. The art took forever (and that's like 88% of this game) so I am so happy that it finally all came together in the end.

I hope that whoever might be reading this enjoyed the game (if you played it!). It's simple, but I had a lotta fun making it. It was really fun to bring a concept I started in 2017 to life. Thanks for comin' along for the ride-- if you wanna chat, leave a comment below.




nótt Play in browser
Oct 27, 2019

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